You've bought the book - and you're ready to start implementing the Magical Sleep Strategy.


The Magical Sleep Course

The Easiest Way to Start Going to Bed

Say a permanent goodnight to...

  • Multiple procrastinatory snuggles
  • Mom & dad bed invasions
  • Several (mostly unfruitful) trips to the potty
  • Unpleasant nighttime tantrums
  • Restocking your melatonin and lavender sprays


Luxuriate in restful sleep without any drama.

How it Works

This course is 5 brief audio-recordings and a few worksheets for maximum helpfulness and minimum overwhelm. Listen to it while you work, in the car, or at the gym (if you actually have the energy for that) - and then get right to good part: going to sleep without crossing your fingers and toes.

Course Content

Planting the Seed: Stepping Stone #1

Preparation: Stepping Stone #2

Making Contact: Stepping Stone #3

Olea's Visit: Stepping Stone #4

Moving On: Stepping Stone #5

"Move over Tooth Fairy,

Olea the Magical Sleep Fairy® Rules the Night."

About the Author

Amy Wiebe is the author and creator of Olea the Magical Sleep Fairy®. She's committed to disrupting the notion that parents of young children should accept disrupted sleep as a norm. After one too many battles with her own children about restful sleep habits, Wiebe knew she needed a dose of magic to solve the sleep conundrums in her home. With Olea the Magical Sleep Fairy®, a new mindset around sleep was fostered - one that relied on narrative instead of melatonin. When Wiebe isn't catching some Zzzs, you can find her spending time with her two boys Max and Jack.

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