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Amy Wiebe is the author and creator of Olea the Magical Sleep Fairy®. She’s committed to disrupting the notion that parents of young children should accept disrupted sleep as a norm.
After one too many battles with her own children about restful sleep habits, Amy realized that the best nights of sleep in her family were the ones when her kids believed the Tooth Fairy or Santa Claus were coming for a visit. That’s how she knew she needed a dose of magic to solve the sleep conundrums in her home.
With Olea the Magical Sleep Fairy®, Wiebe offers a new mindset for approaching tricky sleep situations with your children. Thanks to the power of storytelling, Olea offers a chance for families to reclaim the rest they need while making magical memories together.
When Amy isn’t catching some ZZZZZs, you can find her spending time with her two boys, Max and Jack.